Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekend Work

This weekend was a busy one for us here at NBCR. We had a group of people head up to CRI in Brighton to load up a truck and trailer with all of our equipment and bring it all down to New Bedford. It was quite cold but we had a very efficient group and loaded up 6 boats, all of the riggers, 40 oars, 2 launches and engines, and all the other little things that go along with this stuff.

We headed to New Bedford and assembled the racks, put up the oar racks, and unloaded the entire trailer. It was a cold day but at least it was dry and sunny. The wind was pretty strong though and despite being strapped down to blocks, our 4+ got blown over! So we'll be coming up with a new method for strapping that boat down. Apparently it takes heavier wood....

But no worries - we'll get everything put together and be ready to row on April 4th! We've got some great new recruits on the youth and adult teams and I'm confident we'll have some darn fast crews this spring! Come watch - April 30th will be our home race on the Acushnet River!

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