Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Coaches...they're great!

Okay, so maybe that didn't sound like Tony the Tiger but I have just as much enthusiasm. I met today with another possible coach (Bridgid Meyers) and she's very well qualified so it's more down to availability. Here's hoping that her schedule works well with ours!

Tomorrow I'll meet with all of the potential coaches and we'll figure out the August schedule and start to lay out the plan for September, with the hope of continuity from one month to the next. When the competitive teams start, things are gonna get crazy!! But in a good way. I hope. :)

With an enormous amount of help from Will Mahoney, the oars are well on their way to having a new facelift. Since we can sand or paint, or do anything to the oars at the Seaport Inn, he's taken them to his house to finish the sanding. [Living in an apartment building has it's drawbacks...] We'll team up and hopefully get them all primed tomorrow, and then it's just a good coat of paint and the CRI wave! Of course there will be photos to document our progress.

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