Thursday, January 20, 2011

YMCA new location!

No, we haven't left the New Bedford YMCA. But we have moved locations within the YMCA. We are no longer in the gym for the morning class and in the racquetball court for the youth and evening class. Tara Pacheco had a brilliant idea of a new location that would work a bit better for all involved. Now we're upstairs in the corner of the track area where we can store the ergs and keep a few of our belongings. The racquetball courts were very echoey and some of the kids said they felt like they were in an insane asylum because of the very tall, very white, no handles/windows! Ha ha...maybe they just need to be put into one.. Also, the lights in the courts were motion activated so if the rowers weren't moving in the right spot, the lights would go off. So while it was a great space to get started in (thank you, YMCA!), I think the track area is better for us. There will also be increased traffic around us so people will see that there is rowing now! Flyers are being made so that any interested parties will have information at their fingertips.

This picture features some of our youth program - from left to right we have Andrew Pereira, Coach Briana Blood (standing), Danielle Lopez, Matthew Dufresne, Lauren Dufresne, and Tyler Hemingway. [kinda perfect that we row under the word 'drive'... :) ]

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